Keywords :
Adolescent, Child, Dental caries, Indices
Citation Information :
Acharya S, Srivastava S, Singhal D. Measurement of the Entire Spectrum of Dental Caries Using an Innovative Tool: CAST Index for Children Aged 11 to 14 Years of Udupi Taluk, India. J Contemp Dent 2018; 8 (2):83-87.
Introduction: One of the most prevalent known chronic diseases worldwide is dental caries. The caries assessment spectrum and treatment (CAST) index–Frencken JE et al. (2011) records all the clinical stages of caries spectrum under nine codes.
Materials and methods: The prevalence of the entire spectrum of caries was assessed among children aged 11 to 14 years, of Udupi Taluk, via a cross-sectional study. 800 children were examined under natural light, with sterilized plane mouth mirrors and periodontal probe of 0.5 mm ball tip. The most severe condition was considered for each participant and was recorded.
Results: Thirty-five percent had permanent teeth that were caries free. No children had preventive fillings in permanent teeth, and only 9% had restorations. Thirty percent of children had dental caries (codes 3–5) whereas 18% were suffering from after effects of severe untreated dental caries of permanent teeth (CAST code 6 or 7). Eight percent had at least one tooth removed due to caries.
Discussion: The reported findings were higher than studies done on adults in an Asian population using CAST index.
Conclusion: CAST index as a measurement tool, gives an accurate picture of the hidden iceberg of disease (dental caries) prevalent in Indian children.
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